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Category: How To Sell

Category / How To Sell

One of the many roles I’ve had in the past involved saving a failing call centre. This call centre was staffed to the eye balls with people and the expensive things that come with that. Rather unbelievably this call centre was being run by people who didn’t actually have a clue what they were doing.

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Category / How To Sell

What is this amazing word all about? Well it’s quite simple really, right now our world is made up of paradigms, little “perceptions” of what we need/want all interconnected. A paradigm is best explained through an example, so take mobile phones 10 years ago. Phones back then were just phones. You used them to call

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Category / How To Sell

This is going to be a very short chapter indeed. It’s one born out of failure and the subsequent wisdom that that experience gave me the opportunity to learn but it still amazes, frustrates and leaves me down right angry that very few companies do any of them. You’d be forgiven for thinking that the

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Category / How To Sell

To me reporting is super important because it’s the only way that you can separate the good from the bad and focus on getting better. Most people are scared of reporting and as such they bend it to their own will, showing only the stats that help prove their point but this is wrong .

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Category / How To Sell

You’re probably looking at this title and thinking I’ve lost the plot. I assure you I could not be more serious. Find an idea that could be run by a ham sandwich (an actual Warren Buffett quote!). In my time as a consultant, director and project specialist the most successful businesses I have seen can

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Category / How To Sell

So I want to talk to you about two companies. One that sells 40 cupcakes and one that sells 100. On face value the 100 cupcake company is the better one, but we all know to take that with a pinch of salt. For example the 100 cupcake company could be losing huge amounts of

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